In late August Mandy and I are expecting our first baby. We are so excited and cannot wait to meet our new addition to the Martin family.
Winter and Spring Schedule:
Victory Fellowship / Fredericksburg, TX / February 4 and 5
Tree of Life Church (Believers Authority) / New Braunfels, TX / March 11, 18, 25 and April 8, 15, 22
Word of Faith Church / Joaquin, TX / March 29
East Coast Believers Church / Orlando, FL / June 14
World Outreach Church / Tulsa, OK / June 29 – July 3 (Paradigm Youth Camp)
Flight School:
Flying has truly become a passion of mine as God imparted this vision in my heart in June of 2013. By faith we have launched out and completed several steps toward our Private Pilot Certificate. We finished ground school, took the written exam scoring 91%, and logged 7.5 flight hours. Our goal is to wrap up this time sensitive step and acquire our VFR rating by May 2015. As it stands right now we have 33 to 40 flight hours remaining. (The cost of an hour is roughly $300.) God continues to encourage me to take your flight lessons; get the assignment accomplished. We know this is part of MMI’s mission and that it will assist us in fulfilling God’s call. Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us in this area and supporting one or more hours? We’re asking you to join what we’re calling MMI’s Flight Crew and come fly with us!
We know that it will be just as the Lord said, “Not expensive, but paid for!”
In 2015 we are setting some final goals to get more ministry materials distributed and into your hands by:
Purchasing quality CD and MP3 duplicators for in house duplication
Publishing books in both paperback and/or e-book
Purchasing a laser printer for quality ministry mail outs, labels, and informative materials
As we begin this new year please know that we count it a great blessing to be partners with you in this ministry. Paul said it best in Philippians 1:3-5 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now. Please know that we love you and cherish our relationship with you.
We continue to believe God with you knowing He will complete the work He has begun in you. Thank you all, you are so very dear to our hearts.