“Advantage Point”

I remember when I had just moved to Tulsa Oklahoma to go to bible school and had worked all summer there to raise the money needed to enroll in the fall classes. During the summer my truck, I called it “Charlie Brown” an old 1982 Toyota S5 pick up truck, broke down twice and I had to use my savings to fix CB to be able to get back and forth to work. At the end of the summer I had no savings and orientation was that next Monday. I knew God had called me to go and so I got up, got dressed and sat through orientation. At the end I got in line to finalize my enrollment and get my books. When I step up to the lady at the table she asked my name and then pulled my file. She asked if I had my $550.00 dollars to enroll, I said, “it’s not in there?” she replied, “no sir, should it be?” and I said, “well yes, but I’ll have to find out what I’m gonna do” she said, “ok, you have till 5pm to come up with the money or you’ll have to wait till next year.” So as I walk away and of course the devil jump right on this opportunity and started talking…failure, defeat, and you missed it and so on. I got in my truck and drove back to the house where I was staying, the whole time with a bold confidence in my heart that I knew God had told me to go to bible school, for He said, “now is the time to go and get equipped, for if you stay you will get distracted and pulled from My plan for your life ” so I knew something was going to happen, I mean God told me to GO!.

As I drove up to the house the dad of the family was in the drive way, I got out and he asked, “so, did you get registered?” I said, “no sir, I was not able to pay the first payment because of my truck broke down” he said, “well, what ARE YOU GOING TO DO?” Right then and there I knew I had a chose to make, to panic and start boohooing and say, “I don’t know!!” or just reply, which I did, “God will provide, He told me to come here, so whether its for bible school this year or next He’ll make a way.” Of course the dad was not cool with this and he started telling me how I should call mom and dad, or my church and get the money. This was not an option for me, this was me and God, so I went in had lunch and went up to my room and rested.

At 4:30 that afternoon the school called and told me to come get my books my money had been paid. To this day I have no idea who or where the money came from, all I know God made a way, God was faithful to His word and positioned me right where I needed to be.

As believers we have an advantage point that unbelievers don’t, we have Jesus. Jesus made a way for all man kind to come to the place where God could take full responsibility for all your needs and bring every promise to pass in your life, the only catch is you must drop, leave, and let go of ever care, worry, and wonder and let God be true to His word in your life.

Most of us know 1Peter 5:7 that says, “cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” but many don’t know
Psalms 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall NEVER permit the righteous to be moved/shaken.

Today take a moment and cast your situation to the Lord, step up to the place you have been raised in Christ Jesus and know every lie of the enemy is under your feet and God is able and willing to bring you through, He’s got you and will take care of you. Just start praising and thanking Him for all He is doing and will do to make you victorious.

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