After spending some time in prayer, Jesus was asked by one of His disciples to teach them how to pray. Jesus responded with what we know today as the Lord’s Prayer. In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus concluded the model prayer with a powerful declaration.
Matthew 6:13b For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
As sons and daughters of God, we have an inheritance of eternal blessedness that is appointed and promised to us now, and that will be fully recognized at the appearing of Jesus Christ. This inheritance places us at the right hand of the Father, exceeds all forces of darkness and produces a knowing in us when encountering such opposition that doesn’t tolerate the attacks, but through our divine inheritance raises us above them in triumph.
In line with these thoughts, I want to continue to encourage you in our son-ship and all that has been placed in our hands through Christ. In the book of John, Jesus gives His last charge to His followers before His betrayal and arrest in the garden of Gethsemane.
John 16:15 (MSG) Everything the Father has is also Mine. That is why I’ve said, “He takes from Me and delivers to you.
Some time back the Lord said to me concerning a question I had asked Him, “If it’s Mine I have already given it to you, so find out what is Mine and lay hold.” This has stirred in my heart from the moment I heard it, and it continues to grow in me every day as I aim to do just that and lay hold of what has clearly been delivered to me through Jesus.
This statement from the Lord reminds me of the words the father spoke to the older brother of the prodigal son who had returned from his evil ways. The father, after embracing his younger son, laid a robe on his back, placed a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet, ending with a celebration. The older brother was irritated by this display of affection and became angry, to which the father responded, “Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.” We must become cognizant of the supply that is given for this life as it has already been delivered to us; all things that the Father has are ours!
Let’s finish this thought by focusing on the three things that Jesus said were the Father’s in Matthew 6, as I believe these three possessions enable us to achieve the desired victories in our lives.
The kingdom of God is the acquired dominion that Adam relinquished in the garden those many years ago. This dominion, when laid hold of by a believer and walked in from the position of being made right with the Father, causes one’s prayers to be dynamic in its working; it activates authority to rule over all the oppressions of the enemy. The kingdom of God is walking in complete peace where there is nothing missing and nothing broken and absolute strength through the joy given by the Holy Spirit and produced in His presence.
The power of God is His inherent ability deposited in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, that empowers us to operate and demonstrate the same inherent ability as our heavenly Father by giving life to the dead and calling those things that do not exist as though they did. We are carriers of resurrection life – the same life that God worked in Christ Who is the power of God.
The glory of God is yours! It was God’s decision to make known to the believer the riches, or manifestation, of that which is possessed by God and revealed in grace to us of His glory. We have God’s favorable opinion that is unfair, unmatched and cannot be reasoned with; it’s simply the fullness of God given to us to position us in a place of prominence and influence. We were brought to this place for such a time as this.
We are His children and all that is His is ours; it has been delivered to us. The kingdom, the power, and the glory are all ours to lay hold of by faith, which is our inheritance of rest. Your son-ship is the key to unlocking your potential and beginning to set free the lives of those around you for His fame.
We love each of you very much and continue to pray for you daily as the Spirit of God leads in the areas He has called you to. Thank you for your prayers and partnership we value them above all.