The older I get the clearer it becomes that I am the son of my father. I hear his tone of voice in the way I speak and respond more and more every day. I can only imagine this awareness becoming more real as I step into fatherhood. We are made in the likeness of our parents; we have their makeup inherent in us.
In the book of Matthew chapter six we are given a command that too often we set aside as a good messages we heard once. Instead, we should view it as an essential necessity for living a life free from all hindrances to accomplishing our God given purpose. Jesus essentially says to a group of disciples, “Do not worry about your life.” Jesus simply states that taking time to think about daily needs is wasted time and empty of the ability to produce results.
If we are not to worry about our life then where does the attention get redirected?
Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Righteousness is gifted to those of the believing household of God; it is not earned but the inherent nature of those born again by the word of God. We are the sons and daughters of God our Father and of His kingdom. In these verses, Jesus was not trying to bring awareness to some natural agenda, but simply lift the heads of those who had been brought down by the enemy’s lies and oppression. Jesus was bringing attention to their true position in the kingdom of God; He was revealing their son-ship. For we have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear or to worry as in times past being alienated from the life of God, but we received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry, “Abba, Father!” We are the children of God and heirs of God with His nature birthed in us; we are made joint heirs with Christ. Royalty gives no attention to the small things that are needed for daily requirements of position and given responsibilities. Children of the Kingdom use their time enforcing their given authority through the name of Jesus in their life and of those under their care instead of worrying about daily needs. We should hear the tone of our Fathers voice in our responses to life’s trials: a voice of dominion.
When Jesus was being tempted in Luke chapter four the devil came right for Jesus’ sons-ship by attacking the words that God had spoken to Him days before.
Luke 3:22b “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”
The attack on Jesus being the Son of God was nothing more than Satan looking for Jesus to prove His spiritual position with a natural manifestation. We know our lives are worth more than the perishable and this is why we seek the imperishable, which lasts forever. It would have been no different if today the devil came to us and said, “If you are a son of God, heal yourself.” Even if you could heal yourself, it wouldn’t prove God is your Father or that you are an heir of His kingdom. What does prove your righteous position is when we, like Jesus, speak the words of our Father and enforce what we know to be truth as His sons and daughters. We say, “It is written, by the stripes of Jesus and His shed blood on Calvary I am healed and I take it NOW!” When the reality of our son-ship becomes our identity, we will walk in the presence of God in all of its fullness of joy and abundant peace. We will not hesitate to voice with authority the very Words of God, knowing our Father Who loves us, keeps us, and is faithfully supporting us at all times.
My prayer for you in this letter is that your true position in Christ and the Kingdom of God that is in you is fully realized. That importance is laid on the magnificent work of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father Who is alive forevermore and that we are alive in Him to enforce His rule and authority over the enemy as His very own sons and daughters.