Allow Myself To Introduce Myself

Have you ever been with a friend or even family member that walked into an old friend or co-worker, they started talking and laughing the whole time while you’re standing right behind them as if your some stranger ease dropping or just invading someone’s personal space aka bubble? Not fun, two words…”awkward”. Usually the friend or co-worker will eventually ask, “and who is this” and your friend go’s blank and they’re like…uh uh uh this is my uh…you step forward and introduce yourself…huge and lasting impressing I’m sure.

God never waited for you to introduce yourself to Him, as if you needed to, or for you to come and impress Him with how amazing and great you are. He came and introduced Himself to you right in your nasty and sinful self. God demonstrated His love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

God in Christ said, “Allow Myself to Introduce Myself” for Christ is the image of the invisible God. Jesus is the perfect likeness and accomplished will of God. He came to us and introduced Himself saying, “Hi, I’m your healer” “Hello, I’m your provider” “Hey there, I’m your all sufficiency” He broke down the awkward wall of separation and sin that kept us from walking in His fullness and introduced Himself….HELLO, I’M JESUS CHRIST, the one that has come to redeem and sanctify you!

Don’t be rude, accept the hand of Grace and accept His introduction and allow all that He is to become your identity in Christ!

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