Being Fatigued Makes a Coward

During my four years of boxing training, I remember my coach, Trey always reminding me during our hours of training that seemed to go on for hours and produce the most draining pain, that “fatigues-ness makes a coward out of anyone”. His point was simple, if you don’t have the endurance to fight you will start to doubt your ability to win and start to retreat. Hebrews 10:39 says, “we are not those that draw back, or retreat” we do not get weary in well doing, we are those that in Christ face opposition head on knowing that we always triumph in Christ!

In the beginning of 2012 God spoke to my heart and said, “not a year of repeating, or retreating but advancing” God will never give ground to the devil and neither should we. Every time life seems to give punches make sure to lift the shield of faith that is in God’s Word and start pushing forward to enforce the consistent victory we have in Him and go for the K.O.

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