July 4th holds some of the greatest memories, times of family, grilling, and the sky filled with amazement. There is this little thing called a fuse on the top of all fireworks, and unless that thing is lit its potential to light up the sky or make a loud noise lies dormant.
Yesterday I tweeted that “Thoughts” are the fuses to either breakdown or breakthrough. Thoughts come seemingly out of no where and have such great suggestive power. Some are good and others are bad, the problem when a thought of “breakdown” comes, whether it is, “you’re never gonna make it” or “the doctor is right, this doesn’t look good” or maybe “you better go and get a part-time job to make up for all the extra financial demands” no matter what it is they can not be taken captive by another thought…you must speak out your mouth concerning that thought.
I was meditating on Luke 4 about when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness for 40 days, and was like, “why do we assume that the devil spoke audibly to Jesus” the devil never speaks audibly to me. I believe the devil did to Jesus like he does to you and me, in a thought. “If you be the Son of God, command this stone to become bread” or for you and me “if you are healed by Jesus stripes then why does it feel so bad and look worse then yesterday?” The devil will always pull you into the natural for he is a natural devil, but you and I are spiritual beings made alive in Christ and in the spirit we defeat the devil.
Jesus said, “My WORDS are spirit and they are life” when you speak the Word out your mouth over the “thought” of breakdown you have just lit the fuse to the power of your breakthrough.
Remember, we are to take thoughts captive [2 Corinthians 10:5] by speaking the Word, Jesus did, He said, “it is written” and defeated the devil.
Lite the fuse to your breakthrough and keep the devil where he belongs, under your feet!