“What Do You Have?”

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” (Psalms 138:1). Happy Thanksgiving to you, your friends, and your family. I am genuinely thankful for you and your obedience to pray and support the work the Lord has called me to do. I pray that you end these last two months fully supplied and enter the new year with great expectations of all God wants to accomplish in and through you. The best is yet to come!

This month, I will share what the Lord placed on my heart during prayer, and offer a word of encouragement for your life.

I heard the Lord say, “The outcome of the presidential election is not to be seen as a time to sit down and relax, but as a moment to catch your breath, gird up your loins, and get ready to run, for there is the sound of abundance of rain…prepare and get into position. (1 Kings 18:41). Dedicate and consecrate yourself, for many will be longing and looking for what you have and possess. A wave of the miraculous and supernatural will hit this planet, so be a participator and not just a spectator.”  

Recently, I was at a dinner party, and the gentleman sitting next to me began to express his passion for helping people find financial freedom. We concluded that having a budget was the main priority in accomplishing the vision. In my opinion, a budget informs you of two factors: how much money you have and where it is and where it is going. People are in financial bondage because they don’t know what they have!

This principle applies to our lives today and will be the deciding factor in accomplishing God’s plan and will for our lives and in advancing God’s kingdom.

In Exodus 14:10-15 we find the children of Israel between a rock and a hard place. The Red Sea was before them, and the Egyptian army was behind them. It looked like there was no way out, and the future was bleak. You may be facing a situation that has you feeling the same way. Whether relational, physical, political, or financial, I want you to hear what the Lord said to Moses and the children of Israel as they sat and cried to the Lord in fear. In verse 15, the Lord spoke, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward!” You can almost hear the children of Israel say, “But Lord, don’t you see what we are facing, and what we just came out of?” And yet the Lord was not moved, and His word to them, and us, in any situation, is to go, move forward! We must realize that circumstances don’t move God and should not move us. There must be a persuasion that solidifies the reality that God is with us and that we can bring change and take ground for His glory.

Here are three thoughts that will keep us moving forward and taking ground this season.

Know what you have: Acts 3:6 says, “Then Peter said, ‘Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.’” Again, the budget illustration: Know what you have. This is where explosive power is made available and released to bring radical change in the lives of those you encounter. Hosea 4:6, “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” Knowledge of what you have brings boldness and confidence, and it resists the fear and bondage created by the frustration of ignorance in darkness. Remember, we are agents of change and are in this last portion of time to be radical and live to the full potential of what has been deposited in us.

Take what you have and gather and pour: In 2 Kings 4:1-2, a widow is afraid of the creditor coming to take her two sons to settle the debt owed. And Elisha asks her, “What shall I do for you?” Remember, the first sign of anointing is thoughtfulness. Elisha continues to ask, “Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.” The devil will constantly belittle your anointing and calling. He will try to convince you you’re too young or old. Your anointing is not enough; the call on your life is over, and you have no hope of fulfillment. Gideon was persuaded that his tribe was the weakest, his family was the least, and he the most unnoticed son of his family, and yet the Angel of the Lord said in Judges 6:12, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!” God can take what you have and bring deliverance for His glory!

Don’t downplay what you have; give thanks and give out: John 6:9 “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” “Not enough” is one of the enemy’s most used deceptions. The amount does not matter; what does matter is what you do with what you have. Get it into the hands of the Master by casting all your care on Him and then obey His instructions. This process consistently produces rest in the assignment and adequate supply to accomplish the mission.

Feeling inadequate, insufficient, and insecure are all distractions that pull your focus and hinder you from making a difference. Notice that all three of the points begin with a lack of some kind, but the result is supply and the ability to change the lives of others. Don’t get sidetracked by current events or circumstances, whether good or bad; keep your eyes on Jesus, and let’s finish strong by seeing millions healed and saved right before we leave the planet! We can do this; we have what it takes! 

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