“I Forgot”

As a young child my parents informed my brother and I that the phrase “I forgot” was not an excusable excuse for not accomplishing the last choir asked to do, what a sad day that was. I mean what do you say when you’re questioned about why your room has not yet been picked up…I mean just admit you didn’t obey…ouch!

Forgetting is a bad habit and must be stop. For we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16)

Forgetting what God has said and done in your life is detrimental. In Psalms 78 Asaph writes of the days of old how God established a testimony that the fathers should make known the works and commandments of the Lord to their children. King David’s dad, Jesse must have done this for David had a confident mind when it came to his covenant relationship of God. David was good at remembering what God had done. He boldly declared that God had rescued him from the paw of the bear and the mouth of the lion!

Deuteronomy chapter 8 is all about Remembering the Lord your God. We are to think, talk, and tell of the His works and wonders that He has done and shown us. As we do, it produces in us faith, confidence and establishes our hearts in His truth. When the devil comes and brings his lies, just like David, we can say, “I don’t care what giant is yelling at me, sickness, debt, or failure. I know that God has brought me out of darkness and translated me into His marvelous light, He has redeemed me and destroyed the power of the enemy. I am in a blood covenant relationship that cannot be broken or stopped, so satan take your lies and leave now for I am submitted to God and I resist you in Jesus name!” The art of remembering is a powerful tool in the life of a believer. It keeps you in a place that is always ready to take the thoughts of the enemy captive and throw them to the ground.

Don’t forget, it could be the difference between your deliverance in a situation. Put the Word in your eyes and in your ears, let it continuously come out of your mouth for it is how you live in victory and not defeat. Take a moment and read the 78th chapter of Psalms it outlines the people who did and did not REMEMBER God and the end result.

Practice the art of remembering. Psalms 103 says, “…forget not ALL His benefits”

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